国际学生服务 - 卫生服务

国际学生服务 - 卫生服务

卫生服务 for International Students

The Student 健康中心 in Strebel Hall offers medical treatment to students with minor or short-term illnesses, and counseling services to any student upon request. These services are free for all Utica students provided they have complied with the University’s health requirements.

Once you are deposit paid* and have received your nine-digit student I.D. 号码,你可以注册一下 利记sbo学生健康门户网站 并上传所需的健康文件. To create your account, please use this link: 学生健康门户网站. All new students must upload their health information to the portal before arriving on campus. Students who did not have a physical exam before arriving may arrange for one with the 健康中心 at a cost of $60. Students must also provide proof of immunization against measles, 流行性腮腺炎, and rubella (MMR).

We strongly recommend that students get fully vaccinated before traveling to the United States. 除了麻疹, 流行性腮腺炎, 还有风疹免疫, the American College Health Association (ACHA) strongly recommends that students be vaccinated against tetanus, 百日咳, 白喉, 小儿麻痹症, 水痘, 乙型肝炎, 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 和脑膜炎. 然而, students who arrive without proof of full immunization can be vaccinated at the 健康中心 for a low fee. For more information on 利记sbo's 免疫接种政策, please 点击这里.

*Exchange students on J-1 visas do not have to pay a deposit.
We believe that the college experience is all about learning and growing, 无论是职业上还是个人上. Many students have a tough time adjusting to college life and being away from home for the first time. The 咨询中心 is here to help students with these and other challenges, such as unforeseeable losses and big disappointments. Counselors are there to help students regain control and gain the maximum benefit from their whole experience at 利记sbo.

All 咨询中心 services are completely confidential. 未经学生允许, Counselors will not and cannot update or inform parents, 家庭, and/or friends about your use of 咨询中心 services. In the event that they are concerned for the safety of a student, 或者是为了他人的安全, they may need to reach out to those supports in the event of an emergency. All services are completely free to 利记sbo students.

You can make an appointment by calling 315-792-3094, at counseling@尤蒂卡.edu or in person by stopping by Strebel 204. In an after-hours emergency, call 校园安全 at 315-792-3046 and ask for the counselor-on-call.


医疗, 即使只是次要的, 在美国很贵吗, and health insurance is required for 所有国际学生. 因此, 所有国际学生, 新的和回归的, are automatically enrolled in the University’s International Student Health Plan with United Health Care, with the health insurance premium added to the student's bill. Health insurance is subject to deductibles and maximum limits.

像大多数人一样.S. health insurance, you are expected to pay some of your medical expenses. 有200美元的免赔额. 然而, there is NO CHARGE if you visit the Student 健康中心 and they refer you to an Urgent Care center. The deductible will also be waived if you visit an Emergency Room and are admitted to the hospital.

大多数提供者(医生), 护士, other health care workers) will bill the insurance company directly. But occasionally you will have to pay upfront and get reimbursed. There is a “Claim Form” for this purpose downloadable from your UHC门户. Please see an adviser in the 国际教育办公室 for help with this process.

Below is a partial list of the accident and sickness expenses covered by this plan – for more information and the full legal policy, please see the current plan policy you received with your insurance card:

  • 事故和疾病(如感冒), 流感, 粉红色的眼睛, 头痛, 胃痛, 骨折或骨折, 和其他人)
  • 住院
  • Diagnosis, treatment, and surgery by a Physician
  • 化验,x光等等.
  • 由内科医生安排的物理治疗
  • 处方药
  • 神经/精神障碍(适用范围)
  • 酒精 & 与药物有关的伤害
  • 机动车辆事故
  • 孕妇
  • 自杀 & 自己造成的伤害
  • Trip interruption in the event of the death of a parent or sibling
  • Emergency medical reunion (if hospitalized more than 6 days)
  • 意外死亡和肢解
  • 紧急医疗后送
EXCLUDED (not covered by the plan - partial list)

  • Charges for treatment which exceed Reasonable and Customary charges
  • Injuries from professional, interscholastic, and amateur sports
  • 常规体检 & 免疫接种
  • 整容手术
  • 择期手术或治疗
  • False teeth, dentures, ear tests, hearing aids
  • 为矫正镜片进行眼科检查
  • 常规牙科治疗 & 牙科保健
  • 先天条件
  • Expenses in connections with a felony offense
  • Injuries sustained while mountaineering with ropes, 悬挂式滑翔运动, 蹦极, 赛马或赛车, 帆伞运动
  • 无力、紧张或扁平足
  • 痤疮的诊断和治疗
  • Contraception and treatments for infertility
  • 变性手术
  • 减肥计划

For more information about the international health plan, please login to your UHC帐户 or contact the 国际教育办公室 at 315-792-3082. 请参考以下介绍: 

UHC 国际健康保险 Presentation


Contact the Student 健康中心 at (315) 792-3094 or visit their 网站.




(315) 792-3082

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